Climate Change, Environment

The European Commission’s zero pollution ambition

The zero-pollution ambition for Europe was announced in the European Green Deal, part of the European Commission’s strategy to implement the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals agenda. Its key aim is to protect citizens and ecosystems by better monitoring, reporting, preventing and remedying pollution. The zero-pollution...

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Empowering industries with green ICT solutions to jointly build a green world

The ICT industry has made numerous innovations related to environmental protection and energy conservation, which have been widely recognized worldwide. Huawei is committed to promoting green ICT solutions, through which we aim to drive industries to conserve energy, reduce emissions, and build a low-carbon society that saves resources....

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Environment, Green Deal, ICT

Good Effort with Trees, But What about the Forests?

The EU launched the Digital Markets Act and the Digital Services Acts (DMA/DSA) on 15 December, the most detailed reworking of the digital regulatory environment to date. Provided that many tech players are willing to comply with the regulation’s ‘highest common denominator’ in order to prevent numerous offerings, and...

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Boosting Europe’s AI capabilities will be key to delivering the EU’s Farm to Fork strategy, says Huawei’s EU Chief Rep Abraham Liu Making the EU’s Farm to Fork agenda for sustainable farming a success will require major investments in digital technologies, including Artificial Intelligence (AI). This was the message delivered...

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ICT, Smart Farming


Cutting edge-technologies can make a difference for olive farmers in Crete Olive farming plays a key role for the economy of Crete, Greece’s biggest island. It also requires vast amounts of water: agriculture accounts for around 85% of Crete’s freshwater consumption, and olive farming represents a large part of these activities....

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AI, Green Deal


Huawei is committed to promoting green ICT solutions Achieving the objectives set out in the Green Deal demands actions coming from all sectors of the European economy: Investing in environmental-friendly technologies; Supporting industry to innovate and switch to greener processes; Rolling out cleaner, cheaper...

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Green Deal

Towards Europe 2030: resilient nature, sustainable economy, and healthy lives

The COVID-19 pandemic provides a clear example of how fragile our societies and economies can be in the face of a major shock. Environmental degradation and climate change are expected to make such shocks more frequent and more severe. Faced with uncertainty and multiple challenges, our only viable option is to ensure that each decision...

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Economics, Science

Changing menus, changing landscapes — Agriculture and food in Europe

Most of the food we eat is produced on land and in soil. What we eat and how we produce it have changed significantly in the last century along with the European landscape and society. The intensification of agriculture has enabled Europe to produce more food and at more affordable prices but at the expense …...

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Climate Change

Time to act for climate, nature, and people

The year 2019 will be remembered as a turning point for climate and environment action in Europe. Millions of Europeans and others worldwide have been demonstrating and urging policy makers to take action. Evidence-based scientific assessments, including the European Environment Agency’s state of environment report (SOER 2020),...

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Clean water is life, health, food, leisure, energy…

Water covers more than 70 % of Earth’s surface. It was in water that life on Earth started, so it is not surprising that all living things on our blue planet need water. Water is in fact many things: it is a vital need, a home, a local and global resource, a transport corridor and …...

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